The videos posted here are both TLC's original films and films our organization has been permitted to post by others for the benefit of all.
When the Heart Breaks Open – Looking at Loss and Grief with TLC
with Julie Rogers, TLC Director
SF Village Senior Center ~ Recorded Thursday, March 25
Especially during the last two years of the pandemic, everyone has had to deal with some kind of loss. When we or our friends and family are bereaved and/or dealing with all this entails, we often don’t know how to talk about it. One of the most difficult times of life is when we’re grieving. Every spiritual tradition offers some kind of support for healing, but how do we open that door? Representing TLC Transitional Life Care, a Buddhist end-of-life education and support program centered in the Bay Area, Julie Rogers and SF Village’s Program Director Sarah Kent will open this conversation. Accepting the reality of bereavement, we aspire is to assist each other with empathy and understanding, and to help ourselves move through loss with grace. How do we manage to do this? There will be time for questions during this meaningful discussion, which will also include an overview of TLC’s resources. Julie Rogers is the Founder and Director of TLC Transitional Life Care. She has received hospice and bereavement training and worked as a caregiver for two decades. She is also the author of TLC’s end-of-life manual, ‘Instructions for the Transitional State’. (55:00 minutes)

Death - What's Life Got To Do With It?
A Conversation Between
Julie Rogers, TLC Founder & Director
& Brenda Kress, Sacramento Hospice Consortium
Executive Director
Learn about Buddhist traditions that uplift living
and also support those who are dying.
Personal Loss and the Path of Awakening
A Conversation with Loppon Yudron Wangmo
Director of Mayum Mountain Foundation
& TLC Founder & Director Julie Rogers
During Loppon Yudron's online classes dealing with impermanence, this one hour talk took place between she and Julie Rogers. The focus here is working with bereavement, including a demonstration of simple Buddhist practices that can help us heal, restore balance, and benefit others when faced with situations associated with loss.
Sur Offering Practice - A Concise Teaching
with Loppon Yudron Wangmo
Director of Mayum Mountain Foundation
Filmed by Daniel Donner
Loppon Yudron demonstrates this simple and profound Buddhist offering practice anyone can perform that brings great benefit to those who have died and beings in the bardo, or states of transition, particularly helpful in the case of tragic death.
Practice Support Advice, Images and Seed Syllables
for the Vajrayana Neydren Ritual
Commentary by Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche
with artwork permitted for use by Friends of Lama Tharchin
This film clip is from Khenpo Paljor Gyatso's TLC teaching 'Introduction to the Neydren and Other Practice Advice’, translated by Kersten Anchetta, filmed April 21, 2019 at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple in Alameda, CA. The featured text is an excerpt from teachings on the neydren ritual for the deceased by Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche.