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TLC’s Film Series is currently postponed. When it resumes an announcement will be posted here.




TLC’s 'Teachings of the Masters' film series includes Buddhist teachings, stories of the saints,

“end of life” education, and a variety of related films focused on spiritual development, able to illuminate

practices of any tradition. These movies will guide us to deeper clarity and understanding so that we may

more effectively and compassionately support each other and serve our community.


Check our website Events page and Facebook page for dates and updates. No RSVP needed.

Announcements will be made in our newsletter -  you may sign up for it at the bottom of this page.


Ashland, Oregon - Contact us for the address of our venue! Showings are once per month on Sundays.

Oregon contact: To be on this mailing list contact Leslie Crabtree at


Alameda, California - Contact us for the address of our venue. Showings are once per month on Sundays.

California Contact: Julie Rogers at


This gathering is a free offering to the community, though donations to TLC Transitional Life Care

will be gratefully accepted. All donations are tax-deductible.





  • Advice for Death & Dying / Vajrasattva Practices for Death taught by Lama Tharchin Rinpoche (4 parts) 

  • The Tibetan Book of the Dead narrated by Leonard Cohen (90 min.) 

  • The Lion’s Roar–The 16th Gyalwa Karmapa narrated by James Coburn (50 min.)

  • Wisdom Fire – The Cremation of Chagdud Tulku (36 min.) 

  • Griefwalker (70 min.)

  • Lost Treasures of Tibet (56 min.)

  • Bardo Teachings by Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche, trans. Sangye Khandro 1999 

  • Advice from Yangthang Tulku Rinpoche, trans. Sangye Khandro 2011 (1 hr. 13 min.)

  • Tsoknyi Nangchen Nuns of Tibet (90 min.)

  • Milarepa - Magician. Murderer. Saint. A film by Neten Chokling (90 min.)

  • Tibet – Cry of the Snow Lion (104 min.)

  • Phowa Teaching & Long Life Blessing – HH Penor Rinpoche, trans. Sangye Khandro (1 hr. 15 min.) 

  • Tashi Choling Retreat Center – Historical Footage 1984 (20 min.)

  • Creating Peace in a Violent World – HH the 14th Dalai Lama (110 min.)

  • HH Katog Getse Rinpoche teaches Preparing for Your Death–Filmed for TLC by Vimala Video, ODD, Alameda, CA 2017–Premier Screening · 3 hrs. (This film can be acquired from TLC)

  • The Great Accomplished One–The Cremation Ceremony of HH Penor Rinpoche · 59 mins.

  • Daughters of Wisdom · 68 mins. 

  • Punam · 27 mins. 

  • Brilliant Moon–Glimpses of Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche Narrated by Richard Gere and Lou Reed · 58 mins. Yangsi–A Coming of Age Story Set Between Two Worlds · 81 mins.

  • Ven. Gyaltrul Rinpoche teaches Dream Yoga (Mindroling Tradition - from ‘The Mind Treasure of Vajrasattva: Releasing Oneself from the Essential Delusion) Ashland OR 1990 · 3 hrs. 20 mins.

  • The Art of Dying - Tibetan Voices from Mustang · 60 mins. 

  • The Yogis of Tibet · 77 mins.

  • Tibet – A Buddhist Trilogy · 134 mins.

  • Chagdud Khadro teaches ‘Preparing for the End of Life’ –Filmed for TLC by Vimala Video, ODD, Alameda, CA 2018 · 2 hrs. 1 min. (This film can be acquired from TLC)

  • Kundun · 135 mins.

  • For the Benefit of All Beings–The Extraordinary Life of His Eminence Garchen Triptrul Rinpoche · 100 mins.

TLC Transitional Life Care is a 501 (C) (3) Non-Profit Program

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