Welcome to TLC's Audio Archive
for those who wish to listen.
Here, TLC presents various past event recordings as audio files so that you can close your eyes, turn inward, and receive teachings on profound topics to support your need to understand. As time goes by we will continue to add to this archive.
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1. Venerable Lingtrul Rinpoche – An Introduction to Phowa, the Transference of Consciousness – An Audio Teaching Translated by Cyril Kassoff
To listen CLICK HERE [1:41]
This precious teaching by Venerable Lingtrul Rinpoche offers basic instructions on the Longsal Nyingpo lineage of phowa, the transference of consciousness, a profound method that can be accomplished by dedicated practitioners to prepare for the end of life. Lingtrul Rinpoche received this transmission seven times from His Holiness Kathok Getse Rinpoche (1954-2018), one of the supreme heads of the Nyingma Tradition, and also practiced it with him. Of the five types of phowa, this particular aspect is known as “The Phowa with the Three Perceptions” associated with the pure land of Amitabha. Traditionally, receiving an empowerment and/or transmission is needed to do this practice.
The text referred to here is called ‘Powa Teachings of the Venerable Sogan Rinpoche, Pema Lodoe’ was translated and edited by Robert W. Clark and published by Trilobite Publishing: San Francisco. Another excellent support for this, ‘P’howa Commentary–Instructions for the Practice of Consciousness Transference as Revealed by Rigdzin Longsal Nyingpo’ by Chagdud Khadro, is available from Padma Publishing. Khadro’s comprehensive teachings for TLC on this p’howa lineage (2018) are available on DVD here. This clear and easily understood translation by Cyril Kassoff was recorded by TLC at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple in Alameda, CA on Sept. 27, 2015.
​Venerable Lingtrul Rinpoche was born in 1957 in Amdo-Golok, Tibet, and was recognized at the age of three as the reincarnation of Ling Lama Chökyi Dorje. He is an emanation of Vimalamitra and Longchenpa, and is the 8th throneholder of Tra Ling, a famous monastery in Golok. Rinpoche was enthroned but his identity was kept secret due to Chinese occupation and he was forced to work in labor camps as a youth. In 1983 the Chinese government lifted the restrictions on religious practice and he was able to meet with his root teacher, the great Khenpo Munsel. As a close “heart son”, Lingtrul Rinpoche received all the Clear Light Great Perfection and Longchen Nyingthig transmissions and many other empowerments from Khenpo Munsel, and practiced them in retreat. At the age of 37, Lingtrul Rinpoche journeyed to central Tibet, Nepal and India to visit the power spots in these holy lands. While in Sikkim he was imprisoned for 6 months and then rescued by H.H. Dodrubchen Rinpoche. Shortly thereafter during the 1980s, Rinpoche came to the US and later established the Kathok Center in Coombs, British Columbia. Since then he has taught throughout the USA, Brazil, Malaysia, and at his center in Canada. This teaching was hosted and recorded by TLC at Orgyen Dorje Den Temple on Sept. 27, 2015.
Translator Cyril Kassoff has translated for many years with various teachers including Venerable Lama Tharchin Rinpoche, Lama Sonam Tsering Rinpoche, and others.
Audio transcript written and read by TLC Founder & Director, Julie Rogers
Flute performed by Lama Lakshey Zangpo Rinpoche ~ Sound by Tendrel Audio